How Long For Catnip To Kick In? The Question That Reveals YOUR Cat Needs a Treat

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By Tiddles McTabbity for the Daily Mews

Search terms like 'How Long For Catnip To Kick In?' (it's pretty much instant!) show that a human cares about their cat. But as much as catnip makes a great treat 'just for the sake of it,' treats can also have a more important purpose: to make us feel better when we're distressed. And why is catnip good for that - what does catnip do to cats? Thanks to its star ingredient, nepetalactone, which mimics feelgood pheromones, it doesn't just make us ever-so-excited, it also chills us out, so it's perfect for cheering us up when we're sad, which as a new poll reveals, can happen for many reasons.

The poll asked cats across Whisker City what was most likely to grind their gears and bring on a hissy fit, and now the results are in. Humans need to understand that whether these things are your fault or not, we hold you responsible. But fear not: making us feel better just got easier, because alongside the Top 10 Reasons Your Cat Deserves a Treat below, we've suggested the best cat treats each time to soothe our suffering.

The Top 10 Reasons Your Cat Deserves a Treat (and the Purr-fect Treat for Each)

Can you guess what will be on the list – or what's at number one? Read on to find out…

10. The Cold Shoulder

Whether it's because their human is trying to read a mewspaper, or engrossed in their phone, cats hate being ignored. It's rude; it does not respect the fact that we deserve to be the center of attention, and it is thus very upsetting.

The purr-fect treat: Make up for it with some quality, dedicated lap time. Set aside an hour/day/week during which you agree to be available to us 24/7. Maybe supply us with some catnip first, so we can expend some energy, and then take a blissed-out lap snooze. 

9. The Bath

Let's be honest: most of us loathe water. Dunking us into a tub of soapy, chemically cleanness is a betrayal of the highest order.

The purr-fect treat: Help us forget our woes with a warm cat bed lined with an old, smelly t-shirt and a sprinkle of catnip. It's bound to send us off into dreamland.

8. The Fancy Dress Costume

Why insist on dressing us up like a doll? We know you're just taking photos to laugh at our expense.

The purr-fect treat: The horror of being dressed up lingers long in the memory…unless we get off our heads on premium catnip (free hit). For the best catnip experience, always read the reviews and the label, and go for something that's 100% natural with a high nepetalactone potency (78%+). It's often kittens who are subjected to the worst cases of dressing up. But how old do cats have to be to have catnip - can kittens have catnip? Cats of any age can take catnip safely, but it doesn't tend to work on cats under the age of three to six months.

7. The Missing Toy

Nothing's more frustrating than a missing toy, especially when you've disrupted our perfectly arranged play area with your vacuum.

The purr-fect treat: Distract us with a new favorite catnip cat toy. 

6. The Empty Bowl

Picture the scene. We've spotted an empty food bowl, gone away and waited patiently, and then later returned on the assumption you will have done your duty, only to find…nothing.

The purr-fect treat: Refill that bowl immediately and add a tasty edible treat or two for good measure. See the Cat Treats Make Everything Better section below for ideas.

5. The Vacation

We understand you have to leave the house sometimes, but how could you abandon us for a whole week?! Mean!

The purr-fect treat: As per the Cold Shoulder but x 10: set aside a day/week/year during which you agree to be available to us 24/7.

4. The Vacuum Cleaner

If anything strikes fear into a cat's heart, it's the vacuum cleaner – a noisy, monstrous, pointless contraption (we LIKE dust) which invades our space and sends us scuttling for the nearest emergency exit.

The purr-fect treat: After such trauma, a generous dose of calming catnip is just what the vet orders. And speaking of vets…

3. The Vet

Little compares to the terror of being stuffed into a carrier, driven to the vet, and poked by a stranger with halitosis. It's a nightmare we wouldn't wish on our worst enemies.

The purr-fect treat: Upon returning home, we need love, edible treats, catnip and then a lap or comfy, catnip-sprinkled or sprayed bed…

2. The Cone of Shame

…unless, of course, we arrive home from the vet burdened with the ultimate sartorial indignity: the cone of shame. Just when we think a vet visit couldn't get any worse, they slap this ridiculous contraption around our necks so EVERYONE LAUGHS AT US.

The purr-fect treat: Invent time travel and get the cone off.

1. The New Pet

Suddenly, there's a new animal in the house, and we're expected to just get along with it? No, no, no. This place is ours!

The purr-fect treat: Get rid of it. Or, if you HAVE to keep it, give us as many treats as possible from the list below.

Cat Treats Make Everything Better

It isn't always obvious what the right treat is for a given occasion. Some experiences require multiple treats – while others require a little creative thinking so you can get it right. So, in case you need more ideas for more treats (and let's face it, you do), here's a longer list of ideas for cat treats, so you're never caught short:

  • Catnip treats: Perfect for calming us down. The nepetalactone in catnip gives us a natural high, making everything seem better. How long for catnip to kick in? Catnip works within a few minutes, so it's the purr-fect treat for quick relief.
  • Catnip toys: Toys keep us entertained and satisfied, especially after an upsetting experience. They come in all shapes and sizes to suit all different cats and their moods. For further inspiration, check out our article The Ultimate Guide To Catnip Toys.
  • A play session: Sometimes the best treat is simply quality play time, i.e. toys plus you. Try a dangling feather toy, or a laser pen.
  • Lap time: For the more affectionate kitty, nothing beats a warm lap and a gentle stroke.
  • Gourmet food: A special meal like wet tuna, salmon, or chicken in rich gravy can turn any bad day good.
  • Cat mint: A little nibble on some cat mint is good for our digestion if we have a 'nervous tummy.'
  • Interactive treat dispensers: These combine two of our favorite things, eating and playing, to distract us from our worries.
  • Edible meat treats: Healthy, high-protein, and delicious dehydrated meat treats like chicken or turkey strips satisfy our carnivorous cravings.
  • Catnip bubbles: Blowing some catnip-infused bubbles is enough to lift any cat's spirits.
  • Heated cat bed or blanket: After a rough day, a warm, cozy spot to curl up in is the ultimate treat to make us feel at ease – enhance it with some Cat Crack (free hit) for extra bonus points!
  • DIY sock toy filled with catnip: A homemade toy made from an old sock (which smells of you, yum!) filled with catnip really shows you care.
  • Dried catnip: If in doubt, it's the go-to-treat for every occasion – shop smart, buy the best quality/best-reviewed catnip you can find, sprinkle it on the floor, and then watch us forget our woes and go, go, go (crazy)!

Understanding cat behavior is a sure-fire way of improving your relationship with your furry friend. When you see the signs that we're upset, don't wait, treat us to something special. If in doubt, you can't go wrong with love, food, toys, and cat nip! After all, we're worth it!

Are YOU a cat? What's YOUR favorite treat? Tell us here.

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